Best Fly Fishing Movies Of All Time

Top 5 Best Fly Fishing Movies of All Time

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The best fly fishing movies draw people to the sport and grow their love. That’s because fly fishing is regarded as one of the aesthetically pleasing outdoor activities. The beautiful surroundings, stunning fish, handmade flies, and rods, and also the art of fly casting.

So, it makes sense that filmmakers would want to get get in on producing movies featuring anglers in wonderful locations. This draws in both anglers and non-anglers to enjoy their films.

It is well known that when not actually fly fishing, anglers will spend their free time either thinking about, watching, or writing about fly fishing. So, even if the movie doesn’t draw in non-anglers then they know the fly heads are at least going to watch it.

So, below we’re going to go over some of the best fly fishing movies ever made. And yes, the movie you’re thinking about will be on this list. The others though, you’ll have to continue reading to find out.

Table of Contents

Best Fly Fishing Movies I’ve Seen

A River Runs Through It

Ok, let’s go ahead and get this one out of the way. A River Runs Through It is easily the most popular fly fishing film ever. It lives in lore among fly anglers. Fathers relish the day they can show their sons and daughters this movie in the hopes they can become fishing buddies one day.

Both the book and film are wonderful, and both have caused a fly fishing boom when they were released. Many fly anglers remember how after the movie was released their home streams that would normally be free of people were all of the sudden filled to the brim with anglers in new waders who’s casts often met tree limbs.

It’s a wonderful story about two boys growing up in Montana and their love of fly fishing always brings them together. No matter how far away they are from each other, or what they may be doing. Throwing flies for trout will always bring them together.

It’s a must-watch for every fly angler. It draws you in with its fishing scenes and fishing language, but you stay for the story and the wonderful characters.

Low and Clear

Low and Clear is a great documentary film that follows two friends who have lost touch with each other and wish to reunite for one final fishing trip. What they don’t know is how far apart they’ve grown.

JT Van Zandt and Alex Hall gather once again for a fishing trip in Colorado. What ensues is a friendship that has grown apart and no longer has a similar world or fishing views.

On top of the drama of two friends reuniting there is some damn good fishing mixed in as well. Beautiful shots of the men fishing in the cool Colorado air.

Fly Fishing Film Tour

The annual fly fishing film tour has grown significantly over the years. What was once a small gathering now has anglers from across the country and even the world tuning in to check out these long and short films.

These films tell the stories of the life of a fly angler. From guides and their fickle clients, to dream fishing trips, and everything in between that tickles an angler’s fancy.

The Fly Fishing Film Tour is the largest fly fishing film event of its kind. On top of being great fun and entertainment, there is always a strong conservation message as well.

So, check out and see where and when the next event will be held. Tickets can be purchased on the site along with other pieces of merchandise.

2020 Fly Fishing Film Tour

The River Why

Like most other snobs, I think the book was much better, and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys sitting down to read. Now, if you prefer movies then that’s fine because this is a solid one.

The book was published in 1983, with the movie coming out in 2010. It’s the story of a boy who is seeking to find himself and figure out the world around us.

He leaves his family and takes to a life of solitude and fly fishing. Along the way, he finds love and a new appreciation for the world, and his family as well.

A great coming of age story that anyone would enjoy. Perfect for both anglers and non-anglers.

Where the Yellowstone Goes

Where the Yellow Stone Goes follows a 30-day drift boat journey down the longest undammed river in the United States. It highlights locals in both the towns and cities that the river cuts through.

It finishes by questioning the future of the river and where it might begin to play itself out. It has beautiful cinematography that will get any fly angler amped to take a trip out west.

The film does a great job of putting the watcher right there in the action. This is in thanks to what seems to be a one-camera production. Making it feel very intimate.

With that beautiful cinematography, it will also draw in the everyday moviegoer. You don’t have to fly fish to enjoy this film. If you’re looking for something with beautiful scenery and some fishing thrown in then check this movie out.


There are many great fly fishing films out there. So, if you’re favorite wasn’t on this list don’t feel slighted because this is a very short list. Also, not every fly fishing movie is out on DVD.

A lot of the fly fishing films are located on YouTube to be streamed for free or for cheap. Also, Amazon is a wonderful spot that you can either purchase or rent movies.

An easy way to find more movies is to type them into Google and let them take you where you need to go. There are many amateur filmmakers who love documenting their fly fishing adventures and showing them to other avid anglers.

So, check out the movies above if you’re looking for a nice night in and have a need to get your fly fishing fix. This is a great way to do so. Or, a great way to introduce a friend, or family member to the wonderful world of fly fishing.

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